Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life Update

Hey, so this is a post that won't have much to do with Peru. Sorry.

I just thought I'd update anyone who might be interested (and I would maybe hope you would be, if you're reading my blog) about what my "Post-Peru" plans are. I will return to the United States some time between July 30 and August 1. I will then have approximately one month to reunite/reconnect with friends and family and hopefully visit some churches of the churches that have supported me this year to share my experiences. Then, starting in September, I will be a PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer all over again.

That's right, I've decided to apply to be a YAV again, this time at a national YAV site. I have applied to the sites in Hollywood (CA), Miami and Tucson. This week I had my interviews with all three of the site coordinators from those YAV sites. I've decided to spend a week praying, thinking discerning etc. before I turn in the interview evaluations to the PC(USA) office. After I turn the evaluations in, the YAV staff and site coordinators have the final decision as to where they will place me (I'll find out where I'll be going in April, I think).

When I went through the YAV application and discernment process this past year, before coming to Peru, I always had a feeling that I might end up doing more than one YAV placement. I was really torn between the different living situations that are offered at the national vs. international YAV sites. At the international sites, YAVs live with a host family, totally immersed in the language and culture of the country where they're serving. At the national sites, YAVs live together all in one house in intentional community. I'm in the midst of living within the first of those situations, and I am excited about the prospect of doing the second. I think living in intentional community with other YAVs will be a great experience in personal/spiritual growth, adaptability and patience as I prepare to enroll in Seminary for the fall of 2010. (Seminary has always been part of the "big picture" for me. For THAT story, if you don't know it already, send me an email)

So please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I spend the next few days discerning where I feel God is calling me to serve next year. And let me know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions etc!

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