Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Blog Name

"Pensamientos Peruanos" has run its course. No, that doesn't mean my blog is ending. It just means it's time for a new name. I've started YAV year # 2 in Hollywood. So my thoughts aren't quite Peruvian enough now to merit the blog title "Pensamientos Peruanos" (even though I'm sure I'll continue to relate to experiences from Peru as I blog in Hollywood). I will also continue to keep the same address --, but in the coming days or weeks, I'll be changing the blog title to give it a nifty new Hollywood/Los Angeles themed name.

So I need suggestions on a catchy blog name. Alliteration is always good, so I could just make it "Hollywood Happenings." Another possibility is "Hollywood Headaches, Heartaches and Half-eaten Hotcakes." But that just seems a tad melodramatic. Plus, I always finish all of my hotcakes. The YAV/Dwell program in Hollywood started as a mission of First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood called "The Hollywood Urban Project," and my cynical side kind of wants to name my blog "The Hollywood Gentrification Project." If I ever did live video blogging, I could call it "California Streamin.'" My esteemed Peru YAV colleague Sean Kerr has suggested the name "Pensamientos Hollywoodaños," which sounds really cool to me, but would set a precedent such that throughout my entire blogging life, I'll always have to have a blog whose title is in Spanish and describes my thoughts as they relate to the location I happen to be in.

So that's all I got. Yesterday, Kenna, the fourth member of our YAV/Dwell community in Hollywood arrived from Tucson with her family. Will, the fifth and final member will fly in tomorrow. Then, orientation starts Tuesday as the five of us get used to being out of our comfort zones as we struggle to live in community with each other, integrate ourselves with the neighborhood and work four days a week on the streets of LA. I will try to take and post some pictures soon! Be sure to check out the official blog of the "Door Hollywood" program, which includes YAV/Dwell. Matthew Schmitt, our site coordinator updates it regularly and has already posted a couple entries with pictures documenting our arrival. That's all for now, and keep in touch!


Meg said...

I like "California Streamin'" but I'd like to throw in a lighthearted suggestion for "Califorina Love" or "California Agape" if you wish to more directly relate it to the live-like-Jesus aspect of your experience ;) Whatever it is, I can't wait to read it!

debbie said...

Actually, Alex, I believe the proper way to say it or write it in Spanish would be 'pensamientos Hollywoodeños' not daños. I am sure you or Sean will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think I am! :) I like it, but I also believe there are so many other possibilities. We miss you down here, but things are going well.

Sean K. said...

Hey jandro and Debbie,

It's pretty funny that you actually put that title for the blog. I actually suggested that name as a joke, not focusing on the grammatical correctness. Really, I hoped you'd 'hear me' using a gringo accent. It's cool though if you want to use it. Tough to say what would be correct since it's a made up word. Hollywood(i)ano, as in Boliviano? Hollywoodeño as in Puertoriqueño? Or Hollywoodense like in estandounidense. Well, who knows, who cares.

PS: hope things are going well so far Debbie!